Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty recently shared a heartfelt tribute to his dear friend Akshay Kumar (Akki), applauding his long-standing dedication to martial arts and its life-changing impact on individuals and society. In a detailed reflection, Suniel shed light on how Akshay’s quiet efforts over the past 16 years have transformed lives, empowered women, and built a stronger India.
A Quiet Vision: Beyond Fame and Glory
Suniel Shetty reminisced about his deep respect for Akshay Kumar, not just as a friend, but as someone who has consistently used his platform to make a difference. He highlighted Akshay’s annual martial arts tournament—a platform that has grown into a revolution. For over 16 years, it has brought together 5,000 participants annually from every state and union territory of India.
Participants, ranging in age from 5 to 70, don’t just display physical strength; they showcase mental resilience, discipline, and character—the true essence of martial arts. According to Suniel, this initiative proves how martial arts is not just a sport, but a way of life that builds strength both inside and out.
Building Champions and Creating Opportunities
Suniel revealed the lesser-known impact of Akshay’s work. Over the years, Akshay has nurtured top martial artists in the country, many of whom have gone on to represent India on international platforms. Beyond recognition, Akshay ensures that the most deserving athletes are sent abroad for intensive training, giving them access to opportunities they might never have otherwise received.
Even more impressively, Suniel pointed out that Akshay’s platform has helped around 20 participants secure prestigious government jobs through the sports quota. Roles have ranged from income tax officers to police officers, highlighting how excelling in sports can open doors to stable, dignified careers.
Empowering Women Through Self-Defense
One of the most impactful facets of Akshay Kumar’s martial arts mission is his focus on women’s empowerment. Suniel proudly shared that over 100,000 women across India have been provided free self-defense training, giving them the tools to defend themselves and face life’s challenges with confidence.
Suniel called this initiative an extraordinary example of how Akshay’s efforts are not just changing lives, but creating a safer, more empowered India for women.
Martial Arts: Akshay’s Personal Life Teacher
Reflecting on Akshay’s personal journey, Suniel emphasized how martial arts shaped his friend’s life. From a young age, Akshay Kumar dedicated himself to martial arts, and it instilled in him the values of discipline, integrity, confidence, and self-belief.
Suniel credited martial arts as the foundation of Akshay’s success—not just as an actor, but as a resilient and purpose-driven human being. These qualities, he said, are now being passed on to thousands of young Indians through Akshay’s work.
“This Is Nation-Building”
Suniel Shetty didn’t hold back when describing the magnitude of Akshay’s efforts. He called it “nation-building,” stressing that Akshay’s work isn’t about glory or recognition but about giving back to society.
As Suniel beautifully put it, Akshay Kumar does this “not for the glory, but because he believes he owes society and the nation.”
Building a Resilient India
Suniel Shetty concluded his tribute by acknowledging Akshay Kumar’s quiet revolution. By creating opportunities for athletes, empowering women, and instilling values of resilience and self-reliance, Akshay is helping build a stronger India.
Suniel urged young Indians to look up to Akshay’s efforts as a shining example of how discipline, character, and dedication can transform lives—not just our own, but those of others around us.
Suniel Shetty’s tribute to Akshay Kumar is a powerful reminder of how true success lies in service to others. Akshay’s annual martial arts platform is not just about sport; it is about empowerment, opportunity, and nation-building.
As Suniel aptly said, Akshay Kumar’s work speaks volumes—not for applause or fame, but for the future of a resilient, confident, and empowered India.
More power to Akshay Kumar for quietly shaping lives and inspiring generations, and to Suniel Shetty for sharing this heartfelt story that reminds us of the strength in humility and purpose.