Kudo Equipments

Kudo competitors wear an official Kudo Gi (sleeves and body of the top gi, are like a single-weave judogi, are created out of a single piece of cloth, unlike the traditional karate gi where the sleeves are sewn onto the body). This design of the Kudo gi makes it ideal for throwing and grappling techniques. Also required for competition are groin guard, mouth piece, official Kudo hand-wraps, official Kudo fist protectors and SuperSafe (official Kudo protective helmet). The fist protectors are MMA style gloves which cover the wrist, back of the hand and up to the 2nd joint of the knuckles. The SuperSafe head guard is a unique foam helmet developed by Hanshi Masayuki Hisataka for the Koshiki fighting system practiced by Shorinjiryu karateka to protect a fighter from facial injuries and head trauma. It is this helmet which allows the fighters in Kudo to punch and elbow the face, not allowed in more mainstream Kyokushin variants.

This helmet is known outside of Daido Juku circles jokingly as a “space helmet.” On a funny note, Azuma Jukucho (founder and president of Kudo, also the creator of so called “space helmet”) has been quoted as saying in Japanese: “Call it whatever the hell you want, space helmet, aqua helmet, whatever…this is Kudo, this is Daido Juku.” (Jukucho laughs).

All students must have official kit approved by KIFI, with KIFI logo as shown in the pictures for all Kudo tournaments.

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